Living with stop-you-in-your-tracks anxiety and panic attacks since I was a kid, I’ve tried everything to treat my sensitive nervous system whilst also being on tour, running a business, creating and being in the public eye. Learning Vedic Meditation with Caroline has been the single greatest tool in releasing the anxiety, and I can’t emphasize enough how much it has changed my life. When I do my practice on the road; in the plane, van, greenroom, hotel room, wherever, I feel my body release so much stored up stress and fatigue. It literally melts off me. It’s crazy to think we carry so much with us without even realising it. This practice is a refuge, and above all, an acceptance of yourself in the moment. It is without a doubt the single greatest investment in myself I’ve ever made. Thank you Caroline!'“ - Issabella, Musician, 30.

"For so many years I have met the idea of a daily meditation practice with many limiting beliefs. It was too hard, took up too much time, impossible to stay “focussed” and still for so long. I ran away from the very idea of meditating. It is something I've thought about often and knew I needed to do to excel more in life. Since the Vedic Meditation course with Caroline and receiving my mantra, I have meditated 2 times a day since and am feeling profoundly more in control of my life, more joyful, more stable and have more drive to complete my goals. Caroline helped demystify the beliefs I held around meditation. Her insights and analogies helped me realise how truly easy the practice of stillness really is. 20 minutes 2 times a day has become a necessary luxury and not a chore. I really couldn’t more highly suggest learning this technique. And for Caroline, I am so thankful for her as a teacher. She’s really found her calling."- Emma, Healer, Business owner & Mum, 29.

"Before I started my practice I was an aimless goldfish. Now that I've learnt my mantra I am now 'enlightened'. I am now a blue whale swimming around with more than just purpose" – Kashi, student 12.

"Last summer, Caroline started my journey towards self care & well being. I completed her Vedic Meditation course, where she graduated me and passed on a new understanding of peace and clarity, which can bring me back to my center wherever I am. Vedic Meditation is now one of the most important parts of my day. Afterwards I feel harmonious, my brain feels sharper, like I've had incredibly deep rest. It brings about more creative thoughts while remaining in a calm, quiet state. There is possibly no better gift you can give yourself." - Amy, Full time Mum 33.  

"Having dabbled with various forms of mediation for many years I always found it a very hard thing to do and never connected with any form.
After researching and coming across Vedic meditation I felt this was for me. Living in Byron Bay I am surrounded by many practitioners and workshops offering Vedic meditation among many others. It is not by chance that I was guided to the lovely Caroline from Cosmic Youth who would be my teacher.
The timing seemed to be perfect with much happening health wise within my family.
Caroline’s absolute presence, deep sense of self and profound knowledge of Vedic practice is comforting, I felt completely supported. Her warmth, wit and realness assisted me to be completely open to receiving the teaching. In just a short while I am witnessing a shift in my old patterns, I feel so much more at peace with what unfolds in daily life and its so-called dramas. I am much more aware of my mind chatter and the want to control most situations that are thrown my way. My meditation gives me a calm, quite space to let go of all my conditioning and gives me a weird sense of ‘everything will be ok’. It is a gift for life; one I know will evolve over time. I cannot thank you enough Caroline for sharing your knowledge and your ongoing support on this amazing journey." - Melissa, Bush Regeneration/personal assistant 46.

"I have been wanting to learn Vedic Meditation for years. I have some friends who i have watched really step into their power from practicing VM, and it has been so inspiring to witness their growth. I have not allowed myself the time or space to learn until now and i already feel the benefits. My goodness it is such an anchor for me. i have so much gratitude for you and the universe for bringing you into my life. Such a gift! " - Amy Lou, Artist & Mum, 31.